Dash wakes up slowly, a scanning device indication that near all of the nanites inside of her body had been destroyed. She felt woozy but after gaining some clarity in her mind, Cadance began to explain. For the past five years, Equestria had been under the thumb of an evil draconic overlord who had turned all of the inhabitants, including Dash, into robotic drones. Only a few ponies like Cadance remained to organize a resistance.
Dash didn’t need long to make up her mind. Agreeing to be part of this resistance, she grabbed the suit Cadance gave her and slipped it on. It was quite tight and shiny but Cadance had told her that any normal clothing was hard to come by now that mainly rubber and latex was worn all over Equestria. And so, the two set out, eager to make Equestria free once more.
Drawn by shennanigma
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