What’s wrong? It is a heart, no? You don’t like how it looks? Well, it is real heart, not those butt-shaped nonsense you draw everywhere. That’s what reality is…ugly, bloody and unpleasant… cold, insensible reality… and it has nothing to do with all your false bull$&*t such as “Hearts&Hooves”, “Hearth’s Warming”… it is just a damned pump… stop pretending that it is something more… stop telling me…
It has been some time since I drew <span class="caps">MLP</span> fan art.
I’m getting back to it with a small and dark picture of Rainfall – eldest daughter of Rainbow Dash and Soarin from my <span class="caps">MLP</span> NextGen. Smart and witty young mare who has been slowly succumbing to the abyss of depression and despair, unable to find sense in anything… It is a question at the moment what awaits her in the future.
This picture shows her current state of mind, corresponding to the events of this picture
P.S. Yes, she doesn’t have wings in this picture, I made this on purpose.
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