<span class="caps">OAT</span>.MEAL
After receiving a letter from an old friend he hadn’t talk to for years.
Cinnamon Oats finds himself in the nearly abandoned town of <span class="caps">MISTFORD</span>; a town drenched in tragedy and misfortune.
a town built by the once-proud Dew family
a family with a dark past
as soon Oats stepped into the decrepit Dew family manor
he becomes part of another bloody chapter
another tragedy within the town of
by oatmeal155
Chapter 3
SINNER’S <span class="caps">DINNER</span>
any feedback would be greatly appreciated
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the dude in the portrait is Emerald Dew; i originally plan for his mane and shit to be red but as i was coloring him i realized it didn’t match his name
so i throw some green there
so that the stupid reason why his mane like that
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