Lunar Shine was asked why Pluto wasn’t a planet anymore!This was her response:
You see, there are three rules for a celestial body to be considered a planet. This criteria was set in place in year 2006, after the discovery of Eris.
The criteria is as follows:
1) Be in orbit around the sun.
Yes, Pluto orbits the sun. But so do thousands of other asteroids.2) Have sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium.
In other words, be spherical in shape. (Not perfectly, though. Like us, planets aren’t perfect either!)3) Have cleared the neighbourhood around it’s orbit.
This is where Pluto fails the criteria. Not only does Pluto share his orbit with plenty of other Kuiper belt objects, but he also flies into Neptune’s orbit!But please don’t be sad! Pluto doesn’t really care much that he’s been ‘demoted’. He just likes to mind his own business.
Or as he worded it to me “I DO <span class="caps">WHAT</span> I <span class="caps">WANT</span>.“
He’s always kind of been the anti-conform type.—————————
Edit: For the love of all things holy <span class="caps">PLEASE</span> Stop commenting how “<span class="caps">OMG</span> <span class="caps">NEPTUNE</span> <span class="caps">SHOULDN</span>’T BE A <span class="caps">PLANET</span> <span class="caps">EITHER</span>” You are making yourself look like uneducated dumb asses.
I <span class="caps">DIDN</span>’T <span class="caps">MAKE</span> <span class="caps">THE</span> <span class="caps">DAMN</span> <span class="caps">RULES</span>. Go educate your self
Published: Oct 14, 2012