bubblegum “bubbles” popstar pie
polyamorus pansexual
special talent: singing
cloud pegasus??
literal embodiment of sweetness and positivity, sunshine and purity
no one is really sure how she came to be a pegasus when all her parents are unicorns and a ‘earthpony’, but chaos finds a way she claims.
extremely soft and she likes it when her friends pat her head and pet her hair.
when she’s excited she flaps her wings and taps her hooves
she and pinkie are close, and so are she and cheese, she’d never admit it. but party favour is her favorite of her parents.. don’t tell cheese and pinks tho shh!
very sensitive and shows her emotions easily. if its been pointed out that she did something wrong she’ll take it to heart, she tries her best not to cry but she just can’t help but blame herself a lot and take it a bit harder than most would.
fluttershy and rainbowdash were the ones to teach her to fly
her favorite snack is mango slices and chocolate cookies
her favorite drink is hot chocolate
she briefly dated shocker for a while and then broke up. they were good friends through school, but after a while, bubbles couldn’t see shocker as anything more than just a good friend and that barrier couldn’t be breached. so she split off from shocker after a good two years of dating.
her singing is specifically in the pop genre