Name: Neon Lightning
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Talent: Flying
Occupation: Wannabe Wonderbolt
Likes: Flying, nice hair, spicy foods, classical music, watching her mom fly
Dislikes: Bossy ponies, insects, horror movies, her dad
Family: Rainbow Dash (mom), ?(dad), Emerald Bolt (brother), Lunar Song, (sister), Cloud Roamer (brother)
Crush: None
Nicknames: Neon, Fluff, Lightning, Hoops
Location: Ponyville
Neon Lightning is the eldest of Rainbow Dash’s litter and the feistyist. As a filly she would always be followed around by her siblings, and seeing as she was the largest goal of the bunch, they saw Neon as their protector. She is sometimes a little overprotective over her younger siblings, and can bite off a bit more than she can chew, but always make sure they are taken care of. However, after losing her leg in an accident, she spent the next few years of her life having to be taken care of. She didn’t let the loss of her leg put her down though, and continued on to train to become a Wonderbolt.
She’s always been mad at her dad for never coming into her life, unlike her siblings who believed their mothers lies, but never wanted to tell them the obvious truth. Instead, as she grew up without her left leg, she let them believe what they wanted to believe, and the more lies Rainbow Dash told, she angrier she grew. Still, she likes to avoid conversation about her dad, at all cost.
Despite having her leg amputated, she works hard to one day be like her mother. She not only trains with Rainbow, but with the Captain, Spitfire, who used to fangirl over Neon when she was a goal. Now, Spitfire works triple as hard to make sure Neons dream cones true.
-Neon is strangly good at debating. Rainbow thinks that being a lawyer would suit her more than a Wonderbolt.
-She loses her leg by attempting a Sonic Rainboom.
-She’ll often times visit Sweet Apple Acres to visit Caramel Rose and race him, just for the fun if it.
-She gets easily scared, no exaggeration, easily.
- Despises Dollar Coasters
-Still thinks Cloud Roamer enjoys roughhousing, learned the hard way