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I wanted to do a little update post here as well, to inform people who’d be interested that there’s a new, little update out.
I finally got somehting done again. However it’s not Pinkie yet.
This time I thought I’d give you a new feature! If you don’t wanna tickle them more after completing the story mode you can worship their feetsies now.
This comes with a bunch of new reactions as well. Especially AJ needed a few more.
You can download the game here (Windows (.rar file) & Linux support): https://mega.nz/folder/9KBzEA7R\#xd9qM4×01FRpsF4ioFdJvg
Browser version here (Mac users use that): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/766522
Alt: https://tklninja.github.io/TIMbrowser/
Please report bugs or even something simple as typos here:
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/tklninja/journal/Bugreport-<span class="caps">TIM</span>-818947243
FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9309885/
— Added Raritys event
— Added more background characters
— Backgoround characters now spawn in dedicated regions
— Added 3 Additional reaction categories for Rarity (AJ will follow in a smaller update later)
— Some bugfixes
Changelog v0.2.1:
— Fixed spawn bug
Changelog v0.3.0:
- Added worship feature
- Added more reactions
- Added custom key binding (wasd-support)