Enjoying a short hour long break from her mixture of jobs whether it be a speedy delivery mail mare sending the many meds to ponies in need of them as well as performing her duties in nursing and assisting other medical staff. Instant Care while having her moments of brash and upfront attitude overall tended to retreat back into a shy and timid mare, collected most of the time in her wording and in her mannerisms. Though from time to time Lightning decides to waver a bit of influence in the bottom heavy pegasus/earth pony fusion and give the girl a boost of confidence alongside a more bold and forward attitude around her. Such that takes other ponies by surprise sometimes, yet is understood when these were fused into the loving and energetic yet conservative mare.
Seems we caught her in a rather revealing position and her Lightning has taken the reigns of our little fusion from the timid Redheart to show Nurse Instant Care a more open side of her.
Done by :iconshaliwolf: