After beating Aha in all other bored games Gamer was the clear victor
Gamer: <span class="caps">BOW</span> <span class="caps">BEFORE</span> MY <span class="caps">AWESOME</span> <span class="caps">SKILLS</span>
Nimble: My <span class="caps">HERO</span>
Coral: <span class="caps">HOW</span> <span class="caps">COULD</span> <span class="caps">YOU</span> <span class="caps">LOOSE</span>, your pathetic, No nothing,you scum.
I <span class="caps">DISOWN</span> <span class="caps">YOU</span>. you even lost in tick tack toes 50 times,
YOU <span class="caps">FAIL</span> AS A <span class="caps">MALE</span>,
How could you loos in Pick a Number be twine 1 and 3, 70 times in a row. (more hate fill words that go on for 5 more days)
Heather: nuuuu Coral. dont kill him….hes still my snuggly bun
Aha’s Soule: Gran pa Gran Ma Im coming….
I could not help my self after seeing Heather’s pic, ehehhehehehe
ehehe always bet on the Gamer
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