Originally posted on: April 23, 2019, 12:10 AM UTC
*coraliss rose shy*
Name: coraliss rose cord
Nicknames:cory, lissy, cc
Magic color😛ink
Abilities: her fathers same abilities
Best friends:astrid dash , cupcake pie, astra sparkle , amber jack , Sapphire
Sibling:brezzie cordCoraliss is just like her father because he was the first one she saw when she was born. She always took after her father but is afraid of using her magic alot cuz she dosent want to turn out like discord. She grew up with her friend amber jack since they were both different they got along good. Buy can get shy and embarrassed around her crush named zaynic she has a huge crush on him but lets saw that papa dissy dosent approve but above all she enjoys helping her friends with any trouble that comes there way.
So i redrew this from the first coraliss one i made i needed to change her up so heres her final look coraliss rose shy hope you all like my fluttercord baby but i will show you what all these characters i mentioned look like soon and im going to get a next gen mane six picture with what they look like in my style but just be patient with me kids!!!