This sunset was a surprise birthday present for one of my friends. ^
<ins>About the project</ins>
I chose this great sunset picture from Hydro-King for multiple reasons. Firstly, my friend is a huge sunset fan. Secondly, the masterpiece of a picture has a dark background and contains nearly no blue, which is perfect for a two-sheeted multicolored accrylight. And finally, as you probably guessed I am also a huge fan of sunset and in particular this picture. <3
<ins>Sunset Shimmer day</ins>
If everything works out as planned you will see one picture of this project at the upcoming Sunset Shimmer day in the open art article tomorrow on 22.9.2020.
<ins>Source and Extra pictures</ins>
Sunset Shimmer: Magic by hydro-king (source)
Sunset Magic: Engraving Side View
<ins>Some statistics for eggheads</ins>
Number of dots per sheets:<sup><sup class="footnote" id="fnrev4e729afbd23840b386cba0a41abe18d5-1">1</sup></sup> green sheet: 55646 red sheet: 132675
Front type of the base:<sup><sup class="footnote" id="fnrev4e729afbd23840b386cba0a41abe18d5-2">2</sup></sup> Rosewood Std Regular
<sup><sup class="footnote">1</sup></sup> I have no idea if the 2 hours of figuring this out were worth it.
<sup><sup class="footnote">2</sup></sup> I removed the front-shadows in Photoshop