My Little Pony: Friendship climbs every mountain, fords every stream, follows every byway, until it finds your dream… :)
Did I mention I was a massive car enthusiast? :D :icongarretthegarret:
Now this project of mine was massive, and I do mean absolutely massive! 2 months of on and off work, drawing so many cars and so many trees, but here it is, my little Christmas project on the last day before the shops close and the presents open. :)
Here, poor Rarity has found her cars have decided to go wrong, leaving it up to little miss practical (a.k.a Applejack) to get her to her fashion exhibition in time whatever the game! :D
Also I’ll address the issue as to why Applejack’s Range Rover is a Right Hand Drive even though it’s a Left Hand Drive country. I was going to originally make this car LHD, but then I forgot to make it LHD because I’m used to drawing cars RHD, so I found myself at the 5th panel having drawn the car RHD the entire way, only to suddenly remember, hang on a minute! and realize that it’s supposed to by LHD! xD
I suppose you could consider this a bit of indulgence to myself, it was about time I made a comic that I could really enjoy, a comic made for boys. :)
Also fueled by listening to these songs from my personal collection for hours and hours: :D
Certainly varied, but very much the same ^
By the by, if you’re using Firefox this comic has issues with the zoom, it has been recommended that you use Google Chrome, which is infinitely better anyway :)
Enjoy! :D