Originally posted on: July 16 2020
Ok, with that over, I was thinking about my demon!Cozy/Cozi Glow (what I’ve been internally calling her) would look like all grown up! Cause, see, the thing is, she’s only twelve in the series, in both her pony form and demon form, and that is, for a demon, basically newborn. She has a lot of growing up to do. So I decided to draw her true form all grown up! And, I supposed, her adult form as a pony would be fun to draw too. So I did!This image, I suppose, is technically set far, far in the future of any universe where she lives! Cozi is basically a baby of her species, and while when she was twelve, her body and her glamour’s size basically matched up, she quickly started growing. Now, of course, since she’s going to be a child for centuries, what she did was travel every time it got suspicious that she wasn’t growing up any, basically cycling through communities every 5 or so years, and coming back around once everyone who used to know her was dead. But, slowly and surely, she grew up, and so did her glamour. And now, 200, 300 years later, she’s finally all grown up! Ha!
A lot of her design is based on Fluttershy’s Cthulhu costume from ‘Costume Conundrum’, but it’s also based on her armor from her alicorn form in the finale, and she’s grown in some spots and spines from her ‘softer’, more neonatal child form. With her adult pony form, I just fancied up her current look, especially because I felt it worked better if she hadn’t changed much from childhood.