another updated version of one of my NextGen ponies
so i decided that Permafrosts parents are Hoity Toity and Trixie
originally it was Blueblood but that is a common pair
i honestly like this design better!
Fullname: Permafrost
Nicknames: Frosty, Peggy
Parents: Trixie and Unknown
Guardian: Maud Pie
Info: Permafrost was born on the Pie family farm and raised by Maud and her sisters. She never knew who her real mother was, so she just treated Maud, Limestone, and Marble like they were all her mothers. Growing up on the farm always seemed exciting to Permafost. She helping with the mining and what not, one time did she try and head butt a bolder did she break her horn. It never quite grew back correctly, so Maud crafted a crystal tip to put over the still broken horn that actually increased Permafrost`s magic ability. It was a shock when Permafrost met her birth mother, Trixie. Trixie was afraid when she found out she was pregnant with Permafrost but wanted to do the best for her baby. She tried her best to keep a steady pay, but preforming shows could only do so much. She met Maud in Canterlot after a show and the monotone filly offered to let her stay at the farm. After Trixie gave birth to her little filly, she disappeared without a trace. Maud was shocked, but made no hesitation to raise Permafrost, the cheerful little unicorn. Permafrost did not hate Trixie, but couldnt stand to think her mother would just leave her behind. Now Permafrost works as a jeweler in Canterlot, using the gems from the Pie Family Farm to craft her jewelry