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Shiny Cyan and it’s very milky ice cream – Part. 1 [31/05-12/11/20]
<ins>Story :</ins>During a sunny summer, TriDashie and Shiny Cyan decided to go to the sea together to get some rest.
After setting up all their stuff in a quiet corner of the beach, Tri realized that, unlike Shiny, he had forgotten to put his swimming costume under his clothes before leaving their apartment.While he was looking for a place to change his clothes, he saw a pony with the red coat, brown mane and plastic moustache passing by, selling ice cream in all the colours of the rainbow ! So Tri had the good idea to go and buy something from this pony, and to offer it to Shiny as an excuse to go and hide in the cabins at the end of the beach and put on his swimming costume…
[_After more than 128 hours of work spread over 5 months and 12 days, I finally finished the (freacking late) birthday present of Shiny Cyan 🥖 ! Funny enough, TriDashie enjoyed the gift way more than Shiny did XD
It was a very long drawing to do and it cost me waaaay more than it should ever have. But I’m very happy with the final result : since I wanted to make a good anthro… I finally made it ! ^ ^
Also, huge thanks to Stanislas for helping me to write the story ! 461 words of pure fetichist bullshit~ =w=_]