I am just now realizing I am going to have to edit every vector of Scootaloo I use. And I removed her wings so I’m going to have to do that every time, I’m an idiot, no one noticed when I didn’t last year, no one said BUPKISS!!! I’VE RUINED MYSELF FOR THE MONTH!!!
Credit List
Scootaloo by SLB94 www.deviantart.com/slb94/art/S…
Rarity by Stinkehund www.deviantart.com/stinkehund/…
Sweetie Belle by Nokkun www.deviantart.com/n0kkun/art/…
Antlers by CloudyGlow www.deviantart.com/cloudyglow/…
Deerstalker by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Monkey Helmet by TheSharpOne www.deviantart.com/thesharp0ne…
Brolly Hat by VectorShy www.deviantart.com/vectorshy/a…
Topper by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Bowler by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Coronet by BB-K www.deviantart.com/bb-k/art/Cr…
Pointy Hat by BillyBobFM www.deviantart.com/billybobfm/…
Newsie Cap by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Santa Hat by A-Karet www.deviantart.com/a-karet/art…
Applejack hat by ZuTheSkunk www.deviantart.com/zutheskunk/…
Background by AdamLHumphreys www.deviantart.com/adamlhumphr…
LAST- www.deviantart.com/bronybyexce…