Twilight Sparkle is a daughter of Twilight Velvet & Night Light also sister of Shining Armor since 2026 also he is a cult leader of The Six Helpers who is supporting me also The World Pony Order with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy Peace, Rarity Fashion, Applejack Confederates and Rainbow Dash well Twilight Sparkle is representing Order & Alliance by doing Order means that every person that is infected with The BV20 Disease to turned them into Bronies but also doing Alliance to ask The United Islamic Arab States and other countries to attack a certain enemy that he thinks that a treat to me also The World Pony Order but Twilight Sparkle think he could rule The Monarchy Of Equestria after Celestia Sun also Twilight Sparkle is married to Flash Sentry who is leader of The Monarchy Of Poland after World War 4 2040 – 2046 but also Twilight Sparkle likes to read also he is smart because he read or ate books also he had his right hand pet called Spike who is a Dog mixed with Dragon that he talks also Twilight Sparkle is a faithful student of Celestia Sun and Me so anyways Obey As A Pony Or Die As A Human but I am doing five more helpers.