Page 24 – Truths Within TruthsOkay, Rarity arc ends now. I have exhausted absolutely every single “Twilight and Rarity in the boutique” screencap available. Next week is Fluttershy.
Applejack: Y’know, ah think I’ve just about figured you out.</sigh>
Rarity: Is that so? Did you also roll an Insight check?
Applejack: Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.
Pinkie Pie: Huh? What was funny?
Applejack: You’ve done nothing but talk ‘bout how nuanced and stuff yer character is. All that leaves me thinkin’, “That can’t be it. There’s gotta be some other benefit.” But at the end of the day, yer still a Rogue. It’s all about the loot.
Rarity: And why wouldn’t I appreciate “loot?” My Cutie Mark is three diamonds, after all – I have an affinity for valuable items.
Twilight: Wait, that’s what your Cutie Mark really means? Then your special talent…?
Rarity: Oh, I just have a little unicorn spell that allows me to detect treasure…
Twilight: …<sigh> I’m just not surprised anymore.