A bag of 48-piece *Pinkie Pie*-themed jigsaw puzzle once sold 2020-02-08 in the massive flea market (the thing is housed in a massive old long delivery trucks storage garage, it takes around an hour to check the whole place, and in doing that you’ll walk worth 2km (roughly 1.24274 miles). There’s some small merchs, drinks and I think a bit of food, and of course a ½€ public toilet) called <ins>Patakirppis</ins> (literally <ins>Spades Flea Market</ins>, most likely in relation to the city’s local ice hockey team called <ins>Ässät</ins> (literally <ins>Aces</ins>)) in Pori, Finland, for 1€ or roughly 1.18USD or roughly 0.9£. I think the label written by the seller says ‘Palapeli’, meaning jigsaw puzzle.
I remember feeling around the bag to see if it’s actually a jigsaw puzzle cuz I was suspicious and it certainly felt like having a bunch of pieces and nothing else.
I didn’t buy it mainly cuz I’m not interested in Pinkie Pie merch/items, and a 48-piece jigsaw puzzle ain’t much to brag about, especially if the pieces are as big as I recall, comparable to Legos.