Discovery Family female announcer: “Space…the final frontier..get ready for some fun!”
The USS Sunset Shimmer fires geode torpedoes at some Aridaginatan ships. Some Starfleet officers are celebrating in the mess hall wildly
DF female announcer: “Almost 400 years after the final adventures of the Rainbooms, a new journey is about to begin in the interstellar age.”
Capt. Shoichet: “Activate geode drive!”
The Sunset Shimmer jumps to warp
DF Female Announcer: “Star Trek: Sunset Shimmer. Wednesday, June 16, at 5:30pm/4:30 central, only on Discovery Family.”
Geode torpedoes destroy the Discovery Family logo, followed by the _Sunset Shimmer_
Capt Shoichet: “Well, this is going to be a lot of Federation credits.”