Fire Opal had been alone for so long that she could hardly keep track of time anymore. She had long ago lost count of the days that passed. How many months had it been? Or years? She didn’t know anymore.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had spoken to anyone, let alone made a friend. She had no idea what she had set out for, but she missed her family dearly and desperately longed for companionship. But all the dragon could do was roam through the wilderness on foot, nursing her recently-injured wing and searching for even the most basic sustenance to keep her going.
But she was tired. Maybe it was the hunger, maybe it was the monotony that her life had become, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she could survive like this. Slowing to a stop, she heaved a sigh. She needed to lie down.
Suddenly, Fire Opal heard something. It sounded like…footsteps. And they were approaching her.
“Who goes there?”
“What-“ Fire Opal looked around for the source of the voice, her voice croaking from not being used for so long. “I…I come in peace!”
A figure stepped out of the shadows, a pony. She had forgotten how small they were. But despite being smaller than her head, this pony had a terrifying glare that made even her heart stop.
“You’re in my lair,” he remarked. “What is your business?”
“I didn’t know,” she answered. “I didn’t know this place was yours. I was just looking for food. I can be on my way.”
“No. Wait.” The pony used his magical grasp to bring her head down to his level, seeming to inspect her for a moment. “Hm, a fine specimen.”
“Specimen?” The dragon asked, taking note of his slit pupils and sharp fangs that were even more unnerving up close. This wasn’t a pony, this was a changeling. But not a nice one like the ones she knew. She swore the decoration on his armor was another changeling’s horn. “What…what do you want with me?”
“No worries,” he assured her. “You could be useful. Say, do you have experience in guarding? Perhaps a hoard or a piece of property?”
Fire Opal thought back to the rock farm she came from, a distant but everlasting memory. “Yes…?”
“And could you, say, fend off enemies?”
She thought back to all the times she scared unwitting ponies off the farm. “I suppose…”
“Perfect,” a grin spread across his face. “You could be my new guardian. Helping my kingdom flourish, while getting all the food and luxuries you could possibly hope for. A quid pro quo, you could call it. What do you say?”
Fire Opal stared up at him, weighing her options. She was starved of both food and companionship, but with him she would get both if he fulfilled his promises. Something about him terrified her to the core, a voice inside was screaming that this was a terrible idea…but it wouldn’t be that bad, right? It would be no different from what she used to do long ago. In her desperation, she decided it was worth it.
She nodded.
“Good.” He said. “From now on, you will call me King Philia. You will follow all my orders, or there will be consequences. But you will never go hungry again as long as you work under me. Understood?”
Fire Opal’s heart was pounding as the full weight of what she was getting into began to sink in.
“Yes, sir.”