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Weekend Doll Gel
One bag = 24 hours of living rubber inanimate doll
Attach injection tube to the gel bag and hang or place bag above head
Insert other end of tube into collar and strap collar firmly yet comfortably around neck (Small cuff available for wrist, ankle, arm or tail)
Press the collar into neck, this scratches the neck enough for the gel to start entering the body.
Once the gel can enter the body it will flow smoothly and leave a tingling effect. The gel will start converting the body into living rubber as it flows in. It is recommended to be seated on ones bed or ground for the duration of the process. When toes and fingers start to feel increased sensitivity and appear smooth the gel is working.
It will take 2 hours for the average body to convert into living latex. During that time the skin will start to tighten, smooth out and body will firm up. Any fur will retain color but rendered smooth. Large tufts will become decorative sculpts on the body. Head Hair will also become sculpted shapes of latex that are also non removable parts of the body.
Genitals will match the body in smoothness and simplicity as lined holes or erect shafts. The mouth with line with a textured tube and the lip area will shape into a soft puckered ring. The process is almost finished when the eyes become fixed looking forward. Hearing is muted as the ear canal seals up, sense of smell is gone as the nostrils fill leaving small dimples looking open but are sealed shut just inside. Finally the eyes become part of the now sculpted body, embossed lines to show the shape of the eyes.
The body now falls back now completely inanimate, highly sensitive to touch and all other sense muted or turned off. The collar can be removed at this time and the gel will start to expire and body turning back taking a full 24 hours for gel decay and extra 2 hours for the body to turn back.The body is fully posable and usable, cleaning is recommended before full return to living body.
Applejack knocks on the door and opens it up to the dark room. There on the bed is the new pony sitting on the bed. Her body is glistens from the light peeking in from the door. Twilight arches her back in a painfully slow motion and lets out a sputtering moan. “No worries sugar cub, just checking on you. you have about another 30 minutes to go. Just take it easy and we can get you back in the shop lickety split.” The door closes as Twilight angrily grunts again with another slow arch of her back. She knows it was Friday when she got here and this is the third time she’s been in this room. How many more times will she be sent to the shop for service. The dull darkness of the room faces into a purple vignette as she falls back onto the bed.