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Originally posted on: May 17 2020
As you probably already understood from the drawing, today is not an easy day.*
Namely – May 17, the day of the fight against homophobia. I think it’s not necessary to explain the importance of this day. Why May 17? On this day, exactly 30 years ago (anniversary 🎉), homosexuality was officially deleted from the list of diseases, which was a huge breakthrough and relief for many representatives of the LGBT + community*
Unfortunately, many people (mostly the older generation) of the CIS countries still do not take this for granted, a natural, well, or at least harmless phenomenon, which is very sad.. Homophobia is one of the serious problems that we still cannot overcome.*
Why is this holiday important for me? I am bisexual, and even though my parents are wonderful and understanding people who are LGBT neutral, BUT … “only so far this does not concern our family.” Naturally, there is no question of any Camingout! Therefore, I try to look more at the guys, but still, I constantly feel guilty for my orientation, the fear that everything will be bad and the attraction to people of my gender “*
And on this day, at least on the Internet, you can speak out and support others. I hope someday LGBT + people will become a familiar part of our society and will live in peace and without oppression.. ×
×#lgbt #bisexuality #17thmay #homophobia #art #mlp #drawing #painting #flag #oc #ponyoc #gender
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