Meet Catherine Mayer :3
She is a cyborg cyber-goth pony :3
She is a very keen inventor who is fascinated with augmented ponies and cybernetics, and spends a lot of time augmenting herself. Currently her eyes, spine, hair and lower-half of her body are all augmented.
The plugs on her hair and tails are capable of storing and sharing data and information, along with being used as a charging device for electronics.
Her eyes are capable of an increased zoom and vison, along with having several built in vision modes and filters.
Her torso has wires in it that allow her to remove and stretch her top half and move around while still having control of both sections of her body. The sockets on the back of her boots too can also have plugs and things plugged in there too.
Despite them being cybernetic, she actually has several models that allows her to sense feelings in them like a normal pony, thanks to connects to that into her brain.
Myer is also the owner of her own night club as well, welcoming both cyborgs and normal ponies alike. She enjoys the energetic music and likes to rave around too to help her relax.
While she can come across as a creepy pony at first sight, she is a friendly pony who doesn’t want to cause trouble.
Plus if you become friends with her, you never need to worry about low battery every again XD