Used Excel to create a population analysis. The most interesting things it turned up:
- There is over 1500 unique ponies on the show. Add non-pony characters, those from the comics and other official media, that’s a lot of characters! are there any other works with this many unique characters?
- The Female:Male Ratio is about 6:5, a lot smaller than we in the fandom have come to expect. The Filly:Colt Ratios are closer to what we expected, is that more indicative?
- Earth Ponies make up nearly 60% of the population, while Unicorns and Pegasi each make up 20%, that’s 3 Earth ponies for every 1 other race.
Any objections to this math? If you think you have a more accurate population estimate, do post. First time to my knowledge a population analysis has been made for the show. Let’s see what we can do with it.