Pony-Noogran time… and introducing the Grand Masters Necromancers.
Let’s start with one of the darkest, alright ?
P.S.: This can perfeclty been Noogran’mahnt’s theme . https://youtu.be/vfEg8Y6P6-E
Name: Noogran’mahnt (Dark Coat);
Breed: earth pony;
Skills: Arcane Necromancy and shadow manipulation;
Bio: born a century before the foundation of Equestria, Noogran’mahnt is the second son of the royal family of Brightbay, and the only earth pony of the family, composed entirely of unicorns.
From an early age, Noogran showed a gloomy and lonely character, preferring to wander in the various wings of his family castle rather than spending time outdoors.
When one day cast a spell against one of his three sisters, his parents decided that it was time to send him to the academy of Winterwind, to study magic with his brothers, and send him away from home, as it were years that he locked up mysteriously somewhere in the basement and that strange incidents were happening throughout Brightbay.
As if dark presences were infesting the city.
At Winterwind, Noogran’mahnt showed great skill in the use of magic, but a lack of desire to use it for good purposes. It was in the academy that he came into contact with a zealot of Zolathkan the dark, a powerful and feared sorcerer of the time, that wanted to offer him the study of a magic less “monotonous and for crying babies.”
After becoming a member of the Black Hoof’s sect, Noogran’mahnt surprised more than once his dark master, creating even some spells.
Within a few years, Noogran became the new Guide of the sect, and then decided he wants to move to Brightbay, under his castle.
Too bad that his brother Azatohl, the new king of his hometown, discovered his plan and decided to fight him.
During the fight, Noogran lost his jaw, which was detached from the net by his brother.
A few years later (and after enchanting a cape, so to speak), he launched on Brightbay a dark curse, which killed almost all the ponies that lived there, including his brother.
So, being the heir to the throne, he took the place of his brother and, after renamed Brightbay in Darkbay, converted the castle into the den of the Black Hoof.
Towards the end of his old days, the Black Hoof’s guide came into possession of some pages of a book written by his old master, and decided to reconstruct it.
That done, he found a way to extend his live, even if it meant to stain his own hooves of the blood of innocents.
It would be enough one, but Noogran decided to sacrifice a hundred souls of foals, extending his life for many centuries.
After this act, he was contacted by a member of the Grand Order of the Black Bones, a lich who called himself as Oremus Mortis, and who was a friend of Zolathkan.
Intrigued, he decided he wanted to be part also of the order, and there he learned many necromantic spells.
After becoming a Grand Necromancer Master, he decided to promote one of his most trusted zealots as guide of the Black Hoof.
Unfortunately, after a few centuries, his beloved sect perished at the hands of Celestia and its forces.
Now, after nearly 1100 years, Noogran’mahnt is the most respected and feared sorcerer and necromancer of the Order.
Notables notes:
The old motto of his sect (written in the drawing here above) means: “Great Mother Death, grant to us, your humble sons, life in death, and so do your black hand face down plagues on Those Who hinder us in our work “.
Noogran’mahnt seems to despise all those who practice necromancy as a form of divination, believing necromancers of today’s are“cowardly and ignorant, frightened by the power of a monarch slave of light.”
In the Order, there is another necromancer, Sudarious of Unicornium, with whom he has a relationship of rivalry.
His book is cursed. Anyone who comes into possession of any page, will cause death to him and all those who are dear to him.
He don’t have the lower jaw, so it’is obvious that it can’t always take off his cape form the muzzle.
So, this is almost all.
Bye :)