A scene from my story over on fimfiction. Twilight facing off against the Thousand Sons sorcerer Ahzek Ahriman.
One of a few encounters I wanted to get in the story, and it came out fairly well, (at least, in my own opinion).
For those that haven’t looked, the story revolves around a staff. This item is actually a crozius named ‘Illuminarum’, which was originally wielded by the primarch of the Wordbearers, Lorgar Aurelian. You’d need to read the Horus Heresy novel ‘Betrayer’ to get the connection.
To cut a long story short, Celestia sends Twilight and her friends to get the weapon because it’s full of psychic energy which she believes can be used to safeguard Equestria.
Ahriman’s after it because he collects powerful relics.
At this point in the story, Twilight is trying to buy some time for her friends to get away with the staff.