Lucky Charm:I do remember one lanky pony, but I doubt I made any impression on him. This world is a big place, maybe well introduce ourselvesover sweets. Mmm
Well, thats a storm a brewing, among other things.
Well we have Lucky Charm window shopping at the mall at night while theres only a few ponies around. Muh old pal Greenpc may recognize em when hes back from the con..
Sorry for the lack of updates. I had one for Friday almost finished and wrapped up that road to home arcthen the sai file became a .tmp and I tried almost everything to get it to open. Been feeling depressed ever since cause I experimented with some new brushes and I felt proudall that down the drain. So instead of self pity, I looked at the few asks I had, to cheer me up. Did sketches that lead to this update.
Thanks followers. <3 Id probably still be sulking without ice cream.