Artist’s notes:
I finally got around to finishing it :D Couldn’t leave the X-Men Ponies with no Pony villains to fight ;) It was much fun to draw and color and pleased with how most of them turned out. I didn’t draw as many villains as I did X-Men because 1. I don’t really have too many favorite villains and I just wouldn’t be inspired to draw a Sauron, Silver Samari, or Abyss, etc. Pony ;p And 2. I found it more difficult to come up with ideas for the villains for some reason. I had wanted to add Avalanche and Lady Deathstrike, but couldn’t think of how to draw them. I tried the helmet out on Juggy and it didn’t turn out well. Avalanche would probably prefer not being Pony-fied anyway ;p
I’ll give a cookie to the person who can name them all :D And for those who can’t -
Left to right starting from the bottom: Omega Red, Toad, Blob, Pyro, Juggernaut, Mr. Sinister, Mystique, Arcade, Sabretooth, Black Queen, Apocalypse, Magneto, and Dark Phoenix.
My favorites are Mr. Sinister, Arcade, and Blob. Hehe, Arcade looks like a psycho pony :XD:
I hate how Juggy turned out and Apocalypse looks like a baby Pony :XD: I would have liked to added fiery wings to Dark Phoenix, but I tried it and it looked weird. I need more practice drawing fire ;p