You may not know it, but Terry Klassen is one of the most important members of the MLP FIM staff when it comes to bringing the show to life. Hes the shows voice director and is charged getting all those incredible performances out of our favorite VAs and cast members. Hes also a voice actor in his own right, portraying several background stallions on FIM and appearing in other properties like Littlest Pet Shop, Dragon Ball Z, Transformers Energon and InuYasha.
Terry is going to be at Bronycon and asked for an OC and Autograph Pic- so he gets one! An Earth Pony riding a motorcycle was a first for me, but it was a lot of fun and meant I could unashamedly listen to Meat Loaf for inspiration.
Be sure and stop by Terrys Autograph table next weekend at that little meet-up in Baltimore known as Bronycon!” – Pixelkitties