Blackest Night Equestria: The Equestrian Universes Entity of Life “The living light bestowed upon this universe that triggered existence itself”
The embodiment of all life itself in Equestrias universe. Everything that lives, everything that exists is part of it and linked to it. It is the living sentient entity that was formed at the beginning. As the light fought against darkness, stars and planets were born. As The Entitys influence spread, life was created and, with life, emotions.
The colors of the rainbow are the main emotions of life: Red: Rage, Orange: Avarice, Yellow: Fear, Green: Willpower, Blue: Hope, Indigo: Compassion, Violet: Love
Its end is sought by Death to end all life Equestrias universe and to bring the Harmony of the Grave. Twilight and her friends task it to learn of its existence and save it and all reality, lest all light perish.”