Confound these characters and their addictiveness to draw as ponies…
Welp, here you have the return of these wackos, plus my MLP characterizations of the puppet boys! This is mostly just me wanting to draw them again and make a few touch ups on their designs. I changed Tony’s clock cutie mark so it looked more like his clock form, plus he now has a snazzy suit! Notepad looks pretty much the same. Her hair goes back and forth from being a blast or a nightmare to draw.
Now onto some explanations/headcanons for the puppet trio! For the red guy (I’ll just call him Red for now), I went with a Shetland pony look with the long, shaggy mane. He is built much more like a Clydesdale, however, with shaggy hair that covers his hooves and all that.
The bird guy (whose non-canon name I prefer to be Robin) seemed pretty straightforward. With him being a bird and all, it seemed pretty clear to make him a griffon. I like to think of him as the most-uptight out of the three, and Tony and Notepad’s shenanigans do not help at all with his sanity. He’s about the same age as Red, though just a little younger.
Finally, the yellow guy (I like Manny as a name for him). Went with a pretty normal pony design. He seems like the youngest of the trio, as in still a child, making him the best target for brainwashing and corruption. I think that would help explain why Tony and Notepad like to pick on the poor guy so much. Then again, that could always just be me looking too deeply into things. :P