“In Dishorned you take up the mantel of Twilight Sparkle, once-trusted student of the beloved Princess Celestia. Framed for her murder, you become a infamous assassin, your identity hidden by a terrifying mask which instills fear into every-pony in the sprawling industrial city of Canterlot. Hunted by the guard and hounded at every turn by those who betrayed you and your princess you must rely on your wits, cutting edge gadgets, dark powers, and new found comrades who seek to help you put Luna (Celestia’s sister and true heir to the throne) into power. With the loss of Celestia, the ever present Sprite-Plague, and mysterious dark forces pressing hideously on the edges of reality Twilight Sparkle has quite a bit of work on her hoof setting things right in Canterlot.
Discover the truth of your betrayal, hunt down the enemies of the throne, Save Equestria!”