Well well well. This is my 1000th deviation! Yay!
I’m glad that even though I don’t draw Canon DBZ since AGES, I still got it!
For the event, I decided to make something very…special.
We all know that the New DBZ OAV, Battle of Gods, will play in theatres in a month!…And as a good DBZ fan I can’t wait!
However, I read a news that gave me…well, mixed feelings.
It seems that there will be A NEW Super Saiyan level: The Super Saiyan God, or Supa Saiya-jin Goddo!
Mmm, yes…As if Goku wasn’t Mary Sue enough! I smell DragonBall AF fanservice overload. U_U
Part of me is plain curious to see this new form, and hopefully a good explanation…the rest of me has a craving for sweet murder deep inside!
Don’t get me wrong, I like Goku, it’s just that he can’t be the Mary Sue of the situation every-friggin’-time!
There are plenty of nice and cooler solutions if you ask me: Krillin is listing a pair of them right in this strip!
Well, here’s my personal vision of the Super Saiyan God look…Parody Style!
Bronies, DBZ and Goku fans, Twilicorn, …I apologize.