One nice day when sonic ville has a anime con in it town, so sonic got an idea , make a pony soit. He tolt do tail/miles so why not to try it, it will be user a first place fur,,… fuck pony soit, it will be about ponysout, not fur suit, beause fureris makes pony porn, fury fagots, not bronies, because pronies are gooood, furies bad !
Back to teh story , so sonic have a thread and pin much of pins , but sonic has a metal pin for sewing a scrapss of cloth. Tails/miles havent any clot, so he used linen, because … his sister slept there, it IS NOT BELOGN TO HIM? HE IS STRAIGHT !!!!!!
Back to story, so miles davi .. tails/miles destroyed and broke the cloth from his bed,, bit wet, …. That was her milk, I mean tails/miles sister’s , sooo …
It was fan all night, si fursuit is … blah, … THE PONY SUIT is almost done, butt , sonic have idea. What about switching foot with hand, Tails ? …. Tails sad, no, this is fucken bad idea. Wait ah minute, you just switched the holes, and reversed, fuck, you, you blue cunt ! Taios miles trying how it fit … Tails sayd, oh sonic sorry it is much better , I mean comfortus, not lek normal, I feel so straight now, phanks you sanic !!!!!!! . Later the head is finishied. Oh it fits on hed perfectly, now I ove to wear hijaab, it is not abusive, so I can marry a arabic prince LOL ….I mean, joke, sone do not LOL pls . Butt sonic , what about cutie mark ? Questionig mile davi… tails. Sonis is thinking …. I has nice gums miles/tail, exactly the same farben zu die luft balons im das pinkie pie arse ! Tails says : okay, USE IT ! ….
But tails, this will be 3 days without buttsex, and I have aids and syphilis, says sonic … Sanic you should know from where you got it, but first the condums are for shit then. Now it have been finishid .
Sonic and kuckles goes to animecon necs day and miles goes too … I almost forgot about tails, I am a bad narrrator ….
Hi tails nice fursuit, what u are ? knuckel asked miles, “ fuck bitch I am pinki pie” , and sonic says, you are so kawaii , (the image bitches)….
Later the cuspaly started, so tails is showing the pony suit. There was so much ponies, almost everything is poneh !!!!!!! Sonic is wet.
Tails won a first place, because he was awesome, and he is dont hiding he is a lesbien…
END FUCK finally …..