Princess Cinder
“Outta my way, I got a kingdom to run! (Okay, okay, mom, help run! Geez…)”
Parents: Spike and Princess Ember
Species: Dragon/Female
Special Talents: Leadership, organizing
Nicknames: Cin, Cin-Cin, Mango
Significant Other: (to be continued…)
Voice Actor: Christina Ricci
Cinder is the headstrong heir to the Dragon Lands. Born to Lord Ember herself, Cinder emulates her mother’s fearsome, fiery strength well. While she despises the “princess” moniker (“ugh, just clip my wings why dont’cha!”) She shows off her leadership skills whenever the opportunity is presented. However, like her dear dad Spike, she is very good at organizing – so good her mother has turned to her to organize the cultural events Ember has been putting together to instill a more solid sense of community in the Dragon Lands (without losing their character). Like her friend Gavin, Cinder has been able to witness the evolution of her civilization (granted, not as extreme as Griffinstone’s changes).
Cinder, unlike most of her friends, spends a good majority of her time travelling all across Equestria. Not that she minds, of course. Every two weeks or so, Cinder and Ember fly to Ponyville to spend time with Spike (who elected to remain in Ponyville with Twilight and family). Even though they live apart, Cinder adores her dorky dad and though finds some of his hobbies boring (cleaning, cooking) she still quite enjoys spending time with him. Cinder actually really enjoys being able to flit from place to place without anything to tie her down, being able to escape the stuffy world of the Dragon Lands to the place she calls her second home.
“Let’s fly!”
Parents: Gallus and Gabriela
Species: Griffin/Male
Special Talents: Flying!
Nicknames: Gav, Featherhead (in jest by The P’s of course)
Significant Other: (That’s gross, he wants to focus on his flying!)
Voice Actor: Eli Marienthal
Gavin is one excitable ball of fluff. This chick is the son of Gabby and Gallus, and it would be no mistake that this is their little hatchling. Little Gavin is an occasional member of “The P’s” whenever he comes to visit Ponyville. He’s usually seen hanging around with the little foals, often getting dragged into their (many) adventures. This fella doesn’t mind one bit, however. He has an unbridled thirst for adventure, and has a stalwart, get-to-it attitude. His absolute biggest dream one day is to be the very first griffin Wonderbolt!
Gavin lives in Griffinstone with his parents and Aunt Gilda, and is part of the generation that has been privy to the changes his family has brought on. The city has been repaired, working to be cleaned up, and has a much different atmosphere. Truth be told, Gavin gets a little sad when his parents reminisce about how Griffinstone was before. Of course, Gavin is beloved by his dad’s five best friends in the world and is spoiled rotten whenever they come over (especially when Silverstream visits and takes him to Mount Aris!). Gavin is also one of the few creatures who can coax a genuine, real smile from the stoic, silent son of Sandbar and Yona, Seasmoke.