And here you have the conclusion of this three-parter Sunday comic of Lazy Company of Camp Palomino, from the Roan RPG Project! Brought to you by Clear Skies aka mh47e and my own obsession with Engel the automaton pony.
Not as cheery and silly as the first two parts of the story, but the baby, Engel 2.0, cannot stay at a military camp brought up by a robot who by traditional age is just an infant herself. Sure she is programmed to be capable of handling injured ponies, but still being taught basic social skills and how to understand organic creatures. Leaving a baby in her care wouldn’t feel responsible to the authorities who has the final say in such cases.
Don’t you fret, Engel 2.0 shall not be forgotten, nor shall she forget her first caretaker.
I hope you all enjoyed this story and that I can think of more to tell through this format ‘cuz it’s kinda fun to work with.
Enjoy this bittersweet ending!