I tried changing it fit a pony but it was a bit difficult. The most challenging bit was the hanging folds for the large skirt and making that work with a pony’s body. I will end up using this dress later on, so I will probably alter it a bit, but not much. I’m thinking I need to make the gold part of the boots less prominent, and the sleeves a bit more, um, sleevy looking? And I may try to add something to her wings to make them match the rest of the dress.
I also generally dislike pegasi in dresses because their wings tend to obscure the dress, which is a bit annoying, but I think in this case her wings don’t obscure too much of the dress. But overall I believe the dress fits her quite well.
Now I know the dress came with a pet, but the pet doesn’t really fit with Peppermint at all. But, the owl does fit with one of my other characters so I’ll have the owl be her pet, creation, experiment, thing, and I’ll show that in a future story.