Meet Strawberry Swirl and Puffy Frosting :3
These two are best friends, and they run a bakery together :3
Strawberry Swirl, in addition to being a baker, is also a designer too. She likes to design logos in her spare time, and comes up with the different logos and pictures to help advertise her bakery.
She’s also a flirty mare, and she likes to flirt and tease a lot of cute mares and stallions that come into her shop. Also likes to help teach other ponies how to bake as well.
Puffy Frosting is her partner and best friend. Although Puffy is a baker, she actually comes from a family that has a history of being guards/military, which she was part of for a few years.
She ended up retiring after she lost an eye during combat and was rendered unfit to serve. She then heard of Strawberry setting up her bakery, and decided to help :3
Puffy is a lot more snarky and sassy then Strawberry, but she’s still a rather friendly pony to be around.