Applejack with her space helmet and her diaper sees Pikachu in the glass jar by Team Rocket. She walks up to Pikachu and greets it and introduces herslef. “Howdy, cute little fella. My’s name’s Applejack. What’s yours?” Pikachu says its name all the time just like the other Pokemon. “Pikachu.” “Well, Pikachu.” says Applejack. “You’re cute, but your electric attacks are dangerous.” “Pika! Pikachu! Pika, Pika, Pikachu!” Pikachu smiles excitedly. “Are you hungry, little buddy?” asks Applejack. “How about some apples? I have some at my Apple Acres in Ponyville.” Pikachu replies yes. “PIKACHU!” Applejack releases Pikachu from the jar, and it hops on Applejack’s back. “Pika.” “My little sister, Apple Bloom will know you’re cute. Because she loves cute things, especially Fluttershy who loves cute things also.”
Applejack is owned by DHX Media, Hasbro Studios and Discovery Family
Pikachu is owned by Nintendo