Re-Made with the old base created by StunnerPony you can find that here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16624949/
Original edit: >>1832645
After the Cosmos and Nightmare Knights events, Princess Luna is worried about the draconequus species, she think what Discord is the only draconequus in Equestria; so Luna creates a questionable plan to hunt and jail every draconequus behind her sister’s back.
So, she reunites Princess Eris, Cosmos and Discord in the same place; Luna uses a spell to put the female draconequus in Discord’s mind. Besides the fact about the power of the draconequus, Luna is the queen of the dreams, so she have the control in that scenario.
And there, the questionable thing, rebuilt Discord’s mind to make it a Farm/Jail, trnasforming the draconequus in cows, even Discord is transformed in a female draconequus because Luna can’t trust anymore in him for not saying before the existence of Princess Eris and Cosmos.
Anyone wonders why a farm, because Luna believe that they can give her some trick potions made of the draconequus milk to hunt more of them in the universe with the help of a mindless Discord who can still use his magic detector.
Months passed and the farm/prision is expanding.
Passion created by Blurbblob
Shawnette created by https://darkwolvesden.tumblr.com/
Wonka created by https://glowstickexplosion.tumblr.com/
Eris designed by JaquelineDreamz, based in Discord created by Lauren Faust to Hasbro.
Princess Eris/Turkeris created by Jeremy Whitley and Tony Fleecs to IDW and Hasbro.
Cosmos created by Katie Cook and Andy Price to IDW and Hasbro