It is time for another exciting installment of
As you all know, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is on its final season right now. That means after this season, Generation 4 will be a legacy generation of MLP animation, joining the adventurous Generation 1, the somewhat forgettable Generation 2, the wholesome Generation 3, and the popularly-disliked Generation 3.5.
But until then, those generations are the ones that are oldschool, and we at Pinkamena Party are all about oldschool. Oldschool rave, techno, gabber, breakbeat hardcore…
And that brings us to the theme.
Pinkamena Party 7 is:
This theme is twofold:
1. A concentration on oldschool genres of hard music and their sounds, especially oldschool rave and gabber.
2. A concentration on previous generations of MLP (G1-G3.5) instead of G4.
We are asking you to have AT LEAST ONE of these elements in anything you submit. So, possible submissions could include (in order of how ideal it is, descending):
– An oldschool-sounding gabber track about Butterscotch (G1)
– A more modern hardcore track with rave stabs about the G3 version of Cheerilee
– Cool breakcore that isn’t that oldschool sounding that samples G2 TV ads or has original lyrics about 90s horses
– A track that sounds like it’s straight out of 1992 but it isn’t really about G1-G3.5 that much
The album title and design is a parody of Thunderdome VII’s compilation art:
Thunderdome is a long-running Dutch gabber event series, being arguably the most important long-running festival for hardcore in existence.
Yes that’s right, we’re combining Thunderdome with this:
Generation 1 (sorry for links and not embeds, but youtube bbcode embeds are broken forever it seems)
Generation 2 (there was never a G2 show or movies)
Generation 3 (yeah yeah we already messed with this in R&V but we’re going in deep this time)
Generation 3.5 (ok wait this looks way better than its reputation watching this now)
If you or someone you know can draw stuff that looks like Thunderdome art (or has other ideas), let us know!
Genres accepted include but are not limited to:
– gabber
– oldschool rave
– hard techno
– happy hardcore
– breakbeat hardcore
– breakcore
– speedcore
– other hard genres (including rock genres, but try to keep it relevant to the theme!)
Audio inspiration:
Omar Santana – Bone Bastic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cOQpsA0Drk
Praga Khan – Injected With a Poison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_-wsVJnWPE
Human Resource – Dominator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dohzrXT09w
Haardcore – Toxic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJwOAObO3IU
EC8OR – I Don’t Wanna Be a Part of This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N-Ler6C\_9E
Agent Orange – I Don’t Need Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O66cYsxpCNg
Alec Empire – Topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q6xKo01mdI
Nasenbluten – Cunt Face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1t3NrONZuA
Riot Nation – Abba-Gabba (Speedfreak Mutterficker Massaker) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwkzpBlx91c
3 Steps Ahead – Drop It (Original Mix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvwUhKw02LQ
Juggernaut – Ruffneck Rules Da Artcore Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tavSogcvhi0
As always, we are pretty much anything goes in terms of what themes you can submit. However, we do NOT accept anything homophobic, transphobic, etc. or otherwise promoting hateful ideologies, which will be up to the discretion of Dave and I. If you are unsure it is ok, give us a poke on Discord or something.
And speaking of Discord, we have a server, which is the best place to be if you want to keep up to date with this project!
What you’ve all been scrolling for: the deadline for PP7 entries is end-of-day on JULY 14, 2019. That is a solid 3 months to get your tracks done.
Submit WAVs to pinkamenaparty (at) gmail.com with track title and artist. Please remember to actually send us files and not just link to a private Soundcloud track with downloads disabled. This has happened several times.
If you submit more than 2 tracks, know that we may only put the best 2 on the album, depending on number of entries and length of the tracks.
Now go forth and get OLDSCHOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!