Currently obsessing about a Fallout Equestria fanfic I just adore, only halfway through but I love it. Is The Chrysalis by Phoenix Dragon on FimFiction. If you like FoE and need a good one with a great take on changelings in the Wasteland, I heavily recommend it.
The Copyright Directive is still cheered on by the EU parliament, still making excuses to why it shouldn’t be protested. They lied when saying it wasn’t about upload filters, only to later admit to obey the new Directive, upload filters will be mandatory because there aren’t enough staff for any sites to check ALL content uploaded for copyright infringements. The EU leaders seem convinced “An AI can just handle it” despite being told no AI, least of all an affordable one, can handle such a mass filtering of content being uploaded daily as on the Internet. It is too hard for AI and filters just yet, to tell apart parodies, homages and alike which ARE legal.
The Copyright Directive will risk censoring fan content, the usage of memes, homages in both art and videos. Worse is the plotted “Link Tax” which will, as the name implies, but a tax on every outgoing link on any site. So many artists, businesses as well as private freelancers heavily relies on links to a from their business info, just as much as private people.
A spokesperson of the EU dared claim big platforms like youtube “perhaps shouldn’t exist” while also setting strict rules that’ll make it difficult for smaller platforms and setups to get a place on the Internet, with the much less funding than the big social platforms already have. The Internet isn’t just consisting of youtube, facebook and google. The Internet is everyone, big as small.
The US leaders are fluttering their eyelashes at the Copyright Directive, admitting to want it implemented globally. Because Net Neutrality isn’t profitable enough for the few. This IS a global problem, and it has been so from the start. If you are not European citizen, you can still help by joining the protests, join the voices of the people, spread and share the word.
Yes, copyright is a good thing. But the Copyright Directive is too flimsy, written by people who doesn’t understand how the Internet works. Run by lobbyists only aiming for their own, short sighted gain. We need the people to be HEARD and not just ignored by the minority in power.
Contact your MEP’s and get them to join Pledge2019, we need to ensure the Copyright Directive gets voted down before it does lasting damage to the Internet!