It has been more than a month after King Dice and his minions lost the battle against Twilight and her friends.
Resulting in a casino not being built in Ponyville, which they would have gotten if they won.
However, due to a crack in reality created by the return of the Pillars of Equestria. Equestria and Inkwell Isle became partially connected together and allowed citizens of each world could visit the other. Princess Celestia did warn her subjects in doing so, out of the fear of her subjects being harmed. Because she is fully aware of the dangers that could happen.
One day, a certian blimp-lady travelled to Equestria to research the stars and planets of that world. So she could expand her knowledge and become a science-professor, know that she isn’t in dept to The Devil. But when she arrived and learned that the day and night-cycles where managed by the rulers of the land. Along with the weather and the cycle of seasons being managed by regular ponies. She became completley insane and started acting like she did when she was under a dept of The Devil. She transformed into her moon-form and started attacking Equestria’s weather factory and the ponies working there.
The Wonderbolts where quickly allerted to this and flew out to confront Hilda.
Will Hilda succeed in getting rid of the ponies that manage the weather and the day-and-night-cycles or will the Wonderbolts stop her before she manages to do so.
Please tell me in the comments down below and I’ll see you all later.
Vector credits:
Background – estories
Wonderbolts – landmark356