_…The most proeminent families in each city receive the apellation of <ins>Purigazadi</ins>; on small towns like Ævrefreodeh, the leaders of such families are members of the governing council of the city, which chooses the jarl of the town from amongst themselves, along with the town ealdormare, the town <ins>Rashnubandak</ins>, and whatever ponies are made members by merit…_
So, from checking out the character sheets that Starbat did for G1 ponies, i had the idea of making Ribbon (Mazdana’id Šaret) the local judge of Ponyville in my AU; so, her walking away from Town Hall with Applejack (Jacqueline Pomme) after a meeting.
Originally, Mobads served as judges, but both professions were split after Luna was banished; but Rashnubandaks still are supposed to wear white.
After the disaster my last drawing turned out to be, i ended up spending more time than usual trying to get the poses right.
I don’t have any cream for the town hall and had to leave it as white.
Applejack’s outfit based on >>1838832 and Ribbon herself based on >>549523.