Et voila! Une chanteuse belle et puissante~
Had to update her design
Introducing Mademoiselle D’Hiver or as her fans know her “Mad Eve”
She’s one of the lead singers in the band Feigned Neightion along with her buddies Wilde, Bad Axe, Chantilly Beau, Bramley Apple, Pearl Shores and their manager Hoodwink
Mademoiselle D’Hiver
Maddie, Mad Eve, Evie, Snowy
Parents: Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys
Siblings: Ciel Cherise & Rêverie Revenant [older twin sister], Bâton Rouge [older brother]
Lover/Crush: Picture Perfect by (oops! Sorry I forgot)
Voice: Sounds like Bishop Briggs
Introducing Mademoiselle D’Hiver or as her fans know her “Mad Eve”
She’s one of the lead singers in the band Feigned Neightion along with her buddies Wilde, Bad Axe, Chantilly Beau, Bramley Apple and Pearl Shores
Maddie was raised in Canterlot by her two very affluent parents Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys but she spent of time in Manehatten with her friend Bad Axe whom she met at the Grand Galloping Gala. The two are inseparable and it was through BA that she met her other friends that would eventually become her bandmates.
Her cutie mark is a bass speaker cuz homegirl is a LOUD singer! This mare has a great pair of lungs!!