Alright so cleaning up some old files I started in 2017 and this was one of the last few comics I had from that time period I left unfinished…and then redone. : Actually I am very surprised just how different the style kind of melded into what it is right now on the comics. It’s a little different than the single pics cause there more characters instead of one to focus on but boy trying to clean up old lineart is annoying. There is a hidden muffin in this comic that’s different from the ones on the plate. Look very careful is all I will say.
So back to the wacky shenanigans of a Derpy/Spitfire comic. :D This is one of my favorites I have recently come up with that I am surprised I didn’t think of this over the past many years before. I think the new style actually really helps this comic a lot more than if I did it in the classic style. Starting to push these comics out again more frequency on this series….I get on runs with it. :P There’s a small core of people that absolutely hate me always making this series but I say screw that cause I love making these and I got more. Also I got a weird couple comments at times saying is Spitfire Derpy’s prisoner……uh no. It’s not even shipping too. It’s more of random weird friends comic that if Derpy needs Spitfire for something, you aren’t gonna hide from her. She will find you. ;)
Little fun making up Derpy’s house again but boy is it hard to try and come up with stuff to add in it to make it look good. The couch I pretty much started with and worked back as a makeshift scale thing if possible. BTW yes….that is Derpopoly….Derpy’s monopoly game.