Name: Southern Comfort
Nickname(s): South
Parents: Trouble Shoes and Cherry Jubilee
Sibling(s): Bailey Sweet, Ambrosia
Personality: Giant dork, Hopeless romantic, Clumsy, Optimistic, Intelligent, Loves foals
Special Talent: Peach Cultivation/Teaching
Role/Job: Teacher
Southern Comfort, or as her father affectionately nicknamed her South, is the first-born and only child of Trouble Shoes and Cherry Jubilee. South was born very small with a slew of health issues which frightened her parents but the tough-as-nails filly turned out alright.
South had a very normal foalhood and was always a sweet child, even teaching her parents how to take of the new peach trees she started to grow in her mama’s cherry orchard in Dodge Junction. Although everything changed when she hit puberty. The filly sprouted like a weed and bulked up, sharing a frame that rivaled the size of some of the bigger stallions she knew. Colts picked on her, calling her a stallion all the time and refusing to date her—some were even cruel enough to pretend to like her only to make a mockery of her. Sense school South has always been insecure of her large size but hides it behind a big smile and a corny joke.
As a teenager her father received a letter in the mail, several years late, from the hospital in Ponyville notifying him of the birth of Bailey Sweet and Ambrosia—a set of twins born from his biological donation to the fertility center. The stallion was ecstatic, especially since he knew Applejack from years earlier. South was has happy as can be, having two new sisters she’d get to meet. When Applejack sent her blessing, the family left Dodge Junction and made the long trek to Ponyville. South befriended her sisters almost immediately and the three have been thick as thieves ever since.
South loves it when she gets to go to Ponyville, or when Bailey Sweey and Ambrosia get to come to Dodge Junction. South’s hopes of finding a teaching job in the town were dash Amber happily let her know her cousin Rosy McIntiosh was in dire need to more teachers since Ponyville seemed to be getting bigger and bigger every year. South happily accepted and kissed her Mama and Pa goodbye and left on the train with Amber.
South currently lives with her half-sisters and helps her “honorary Mama” Applejack with chores in the morning before happily reporting to Ponyville’s school to teach home economics in the afternoons.
Giant buff pony ladies?
Yes please.