Name: Zap Apple
Nickname(s): Zap, Zipzap (Rara only)
Species/Gender: Earth pony/Female
Mark/Talent: A zap apple flower, surrounded by five rainbow-colored hearts. Represents her ability to sense when zap apple season is about to arrive, and her talent for creating zap apple foodstuffs.
Personality: Generally happy and kind, but a bit oblivious to other people’s feelings. Sassy, and her humor relies too much on sarcasm. She doesn’t mean to hurt other’s feelings though, and tries to make it up to them when she realizes that she did. Tries to hide her nervousness around new people by over acting.
Important relationships: Applejack (Mother) – Very close; a bit too close sometimes, as they live and work together everyday and sometimes bicker over nothing. Still, they always make up, and Zap feels that she can come to Applejack about anything important. Coloratura (Mother) – Not as close, but still very comfortable around each other. Doesn’t have much in common, but both love each other dearly, and tries to spend time together even if it’s sometimes awkward. Ambrosia Apple (Cousin) – Also her best friend. They share many interests, and spend a lot of time together. One of Zap’s favourite activites is trying to set Ambrosia up on blind dates.
After being married for a few years, Applejack and Rara decided to try and become parents. Normally the waiting time to get the spell that allows any two ponies to create a child is several years, due to how many couples want it and how many ponies are capable of casting it. However, Applejack just happens to best friends with an alicorn, who was more than happy to learn and cast it. Since Appjeck’s job involved a lot more physical activities, as well as being more difficult to get time away from, Rara was the pregnant one.
When she was born, baby Zap looked just like any other foal; wrinkly, bare patches of skin on muzzle and belly, the mane and tail just being very fine tufts of silky soft hair. So imagine Applejack and Rara’s shock when after two weeks their child had grown a curly bunny tail and a bush for a mane. She spent the next few years like that, since her parents just couldn’t get the mane to do anything else.
By the time she started school, her curls had become a lot more loose and managable. She lived in ponyville with Applejack during the autumn, winter and spring, and traveled with Rara on her tours during the summer. Rara tried to spend as much time at home as possible dutring the rest of the time, and usually just went away a couple of days at a time once a week.
Zap broke the Apple family tradition and was the first in her class to get her cutie mark, after her first time helping with the zap apple harvest and jam-making. It allowed her to feel the zap apple trees, and she could predict the next zap apple season before the timberwolves even stared howling.
But by her third zap apple season she got just a bit too excited. It was in the middle of the night, and she was feeling something from the orchard, so she decided to go out and check on it. She didn’t wake anyone else, since she wasn’t sure about her feelings yet, and wanted to check a tree up close before giving the others false hope. But she wasn’t the first one there, as the timberwolves also had sensed the oncoming zap apples and had been drawn to the orchard. She was lucky to survive, but the doctors were unable to heal one of her front legs and the incident left her terrified of the Everfree forest and most canines.
Wanting to make her feel better, Twilight started a project to create a better prosthetic than the current most advanced one. After years she finally had a working prototype, which Zap immediately volunteered to test for her. This is the one she’s wearing right now; the headband reads her brain patterns and translates them into how the leg should move. She has to come in for hours of testing every week, so that Twilight can make sure she isn’t accidentally melting her niece’s brain or something.
Zap currently still lives in Sweet Apple Acres and works of the farm with her family, and she doesn’t think she’s going to leave anytime soon.
Trivia: The only dog Zap Apple isn’t afraid of is Winona IIII, whom she helped raise from puppy-hood and therfore trusts to stop if Zap tells her to.
One of her favourite “pranks” is going up to ponies and asking if they need a hoof. Her family eventually starts to always answer no, even if they really do need help, just to make her stop it already.
Other things she has used her leg for includes, but isn’t limited to; a backscratcher, a way to prop up a wagon with a broken wheel, a bet at a poker game and a fetch toy for Winona IIII. When Twilight asks, she says she’s just stress testing the prototype.
Likes pop-music a lot more than ballads or country, but keeps this a secret as she knows is would break her mothers’ hearts.