Greetings, Manehattanites! Welcome back as I attempt to make a new comic for each new episode in Friendship is Magic’s 8th season! This week’s comic is based on Fake It ‘Til You Make It. This was a very… intersting look at Fluttershy’s character, as she attempts to run Rarity’s Manehattan store by acting out different personalities to better relate to the customers. It makes sense; for a pony as introverted as Fluttershy to survive in such a social and critical environment, sometimes playing out the part of somepony else is the only way to survive. Though the fact that she became SO engrossed in her method acting that she couldn’t even tell who her friends were anymore and Rarity had to fire her THREE TIMES in order for her to snap out of it… that was pretty surreal. I can imagine analysts everywhere assigning Fluttershy all sorts of psychological disorders based on this episode already.
For the comic, I decided to play on the fact that… well… this is not the first time in the show Fluttershy has dressed up in a costume and pretended to be somepony she’s not. And what’s stopping the situation that occured in this episode from happening all those other times? Honestly, this kind of absurdity is part of why I still love this show even all these years later; these characters and situations are so much fun to play around with… part of why I wanted to make these comics, really. I considered other scenes involving her tree suit from Hurricane Fluttershy and her bat costume from Scare Master, but I like what I came up with here.
Hope you all never lose track of who you truly are! Looking forward to the next episode!
Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and DHX.